by Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., M.S.



I want to thank you for requesting my free report.

Before, I share with you the "10 Things Every Consumer Should Know Before Choosing a Chiropractor", you may be wondering what makes me the expert on selecting a chiropractor.

Well, let me introduce myself.

My name is Ron Grisanti. I am a chiropractic physician. I have been in practice for over 24 years. In addition to my chiropractic degree, I hold three additional titles. 

  • Master's degree in Nutritional Science from the University of Bridgeport 

  • Board Certified Chiropractic Orthopedist

  • Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician

I have treated well over 5000 patients with patients traveling from around the world to get my opinion. Matter of fact, local medical physicians, nurses, dentists have consulted with me for their own health challenges and refer patients to me.

I don't mean to sound like I am tooting my own horn, however, I have experience. 

In addition, to my training and expertise, I have assisted on the State Board of Chiropractic examining new chiropractors on physical and orthopedic examination procedures.

I am past chairman of the South Carolina Chiropractic Peer Review.

I have authored three books:

Dr. Grisanti has always taken care of my problems in one visit. He listens, does his research and then corrects the problem. For example: I went to an orthopedic doctor for a pain in my left shoulder and had very little range of motion. The orthopedist ordered aggressive therapy (26 sessions). At the end I had no improvement. Can you believe, Dr. Grisant worked on my shoulder for 15 minutes and I immediately had full range of motion and no pain.

Brenda Jackson--Greenville, S.C

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More importantly, I have treated many conditions with phenomenal success!

Here is a short list of the types of conditions I have treated:

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Knee Pain

  • Rotator Cuff

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Back Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Disc Herniation

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Obesity

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Headaches

  • Hip Pain

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Osteoporosis

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Sciatica

  • TMJ

  • Yeast Infection

  • Migraines

  • Insomnia

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Anxiety/Panic Attacks

  • Depression

  • Asthma

  • Allergies

  • ADHD

  • Acne/Eczema

I have found Dr. Grisanti to be someone who is prepared to keep an open mind in dealing with complicated health issues. He works with his patients to achieve success and listens rather than imposes his own pre-conceived ideas. Unlike most doctors, he doesn't put patients into "boxes" but treats people for the individual they are and is always prepared to go more than the extra mile. Believe it or not, I traveled from England to have him evaluate me!

Sarita Jarret-- England

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You may interested in a few of over 400 articles I have authored:

  • Special Report on Raynaud's Disease

  • Carpal Tunnel Solutions

  • Dr. Grisanti's 10 Step Back Pain Prevention Program

  • Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

  • Nine Powerful Supplements to Reverse Heart Disease

  • Toxic Teacher Syndrome: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

  • Has Your Doctor Missed Something? The 10 Causes of Debilitating Anxiety

  • Is Acne Making You An Emotional Wreck?

  • Good News About Preventing Alzheimers

  • New Possibilities for the Treatment of Psoriasis

  • How to Treat and Prevent Asthma Attacks with Nutritional Medicine

  • Lupus Recovery Program

  • The Runner's Injury Prevention Guide

  • How to Treat and Prevent Bleeding Hemorrhoids

  • How To Lower Your Blood Pressure

  • Lumbar Disc Herniation

  • What Every Woman (and Man) Needs to Know About Estrogen

  • Comprehensive Candida Guide: The Anti-Candida Diet

  • And over 300+ more...

When you visit Dr. Grisanti, you feel like you have visited a friend. He doesn't hurry to get to the next patient and is genuinely concerned about your needs. I see him whenever I have any back pain and then it doesn't take long for me to get back to normal. I also see him if I have any nutritional or general health issues. I would recommend him to anyone who is interested in improving their health.

Brad Stone--Greenville, South Carolina

Click here for more patient comments

Here is a short overview on what it takes to earn the title of Chiropractor

Education and credentials

Chiropractors must complete a minimum of six or seven years of college and post-graduate study to earn their degrees. Their education includes at least 4,200 hours of classroom, laboratory and clinical experience, and as much � and sometimes more than � course work in anatomy and physiology as most medical doctors. After they receive their degrees from one of the nation�s 17 accredited chiropractic colleges, they have to pass rigorous exams and be licensed by the state before they can open a practice. The practice of chiropractic is licensed in all 50 states, and in 1994 there were approximately 50,000 chiropractors licensed in the U.S. This number is expected to double by the year 2010.

How to Select a Chiropractor?

In order to locate a good chiropractor, I recommend you conduct a short interview of a few chiropractors in your general location. This interview will help narrow down the list of chiropractors allowing me to personally call and select one for you. I realize this may be a bit inconvenient, but it will improve the odds of finding someone who can best meet your needs.

To begin your search for a professional and competent chiropractor, the first thing you should do is check credentials, experience, and valuable referrals. 


Most importantly, you should try to find a doctor you trust. One you can talk to freely, sharing your concerns and questions.

Find a doctor who will work with you in detecting the source of your problem and planning a course of care. The doctor should listen to you and make the appropriate referral if unable to help you.

Chiropractors with Advanced Degrees

Some chiropractors have additional training in certain areas after graduating from chiropractic school. This is somewhat similar to medical specialties. The areas of study most related to spine care are orthopedics, rehabilitation, and sports medicine. 

Chiropractors who have this official training will have the following credentials:

  • DABCO (Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedists)

  • CCSP (Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician)

  • DACNB (Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Neurologist

  • DABCI (Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Internists)

  • DABCR (Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology)

  • DACRB (Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board)

10 Things Every Consumer Should Know Before Choosing a Chiropractor



Here are a list of pointers on how to find a good chiropractor (and what to avoid)


1. Wellness or maintenance treatment. This is a good way for a chiropractor to make extra money, and a common reason many medical doctors don't refer to chiropractors. There is no scientific evidence that when you feel good chiropractic treatment can prevent or maintain anything. If you feel good and your chiropractor still wants to see you, get a second opinion before continuing care.


2. Questionable diagnostics. If your chiropractor tests your muscles, notes they are weak, and diagnoses an internal problem, the DC should refer you to an internist. On the other hand, if you have weak muscles because you are out of shape, a good chiropractor will refer you to a therapist, a gym, or design a strengthening program for you. If your muscles are weak due to a serious disease, nerve problem or serious structural problem, your DC should refer you for a second opinion with a neurologist or orthopedist. Muscle testing alone should not be the reason your chiropractor wants to continue to treat you if there is no pain.


3. Silly marketing gimmicks. Health fairs, swap meets, and shopping malls often have chiropractors giving free spinal examinations. There are a variety of gimmicks designed to procure you as a patient. The most common one is a postural analysis. If you have poor posture and no pain, a chiropractor should not want to manipulate you, but instead should design a workout or exercise program for you, or refer you to a therapist or trainer for such a program.


4. Treating areas that don't hurt. When you receive treatment, three things happen: You get better, you get worse, or you stay the same. If you feel good, only two things can occur: You stay the same or you get worse. If you go to a chiropractor with lower back pain, the DC should not manipulate your neck unless you also have a neck problem. There is no evidence that performing neck manipulation can help your lower back or vice versa. If your chiropractor insists on manipulating areas that don't hurt, get a second opinion before continuing care.


5. Excessive supplementation. Chiropractors take many nutrition classes in school. Beware of any chiropractor who says his vitamins are the only ones that work. Beware of any chiropractor that wants to sell you large amounts of supplements without referring you to a retailer or health-food store for comparable products at a considerably lower cost.


6. Excessive x-rays. Beware of any chiropractor who uses x-rays for any reason other than to rule out a fracture, dislocation, or bone disease. X-rays should only be taken if you have sustained a recent traumatic injury and are in considerable pain and discomfort; are undergoing a history and examination indicate a possible bone disease such as arthritis; or have long-standing pain in an area that has not responded or resolved with care. No person is perfectly symmetrical; no one's spine is perfectly straight and balanced. If you are pain-free and your chiropractor wants to continue treatment because of what an x-ray shows, get a second opinion before you continue care.


7. Excessive visits. When a chiropractor treats you, you should feel better. It is not normal to be worse after treatment. Depending on the nature and extent of your problem, after a few visits you should notice considerable improvement. After one to four weeks, your pain should be reduced by 40-50 percent, depending on how severe and how extensive your original problem. Beware of any chiropractor who recommends a three, six or 12-month treatment plan based on your first or second visit.


8. Unwillingness to work with other professionals. If you are not getting relief, you should not have to ask for a referral; your chiropractor should have already recommended one for you.


9: Pre-payment for services that have yet to be performed. Beware of chiropractors who ask you to pay "up-front" for treatment. Most chiropractors will use the analogy of the dentist and braces. This is a questionable procedure and should be avoided at all cost.


10: The "pinched nerve" theory: Beware of chiropractors who claim that your problem is due to a pinched nerve. Although some conditions may indeed result from a pinched (compressed) nerve, a competent chiropractor should be able to determine if your health problem is due to other underlying causes. The cause of a your problem may be due to nerve, muscle, ligament, disc, nutritional, hormonal, environmental challenges.


Here is one more tip you should know:


11: Say NO to NOOPE (No Out of Pocket Expense): It is illegal for any physician to not charge a patient a deductible. If a chiropractor offers to waive the deductible that is a RED FLAG and I would advise you to either stop going and/or to inform your insurance company. This is a serious violation and although offering a savings for the patient, is likely to get the doctor in hot water. This is sure sign of the integrity and honesty of the chiropractor. 


A Good Chiropractor


Good chiropractors do everything in their power to get you better as fast as possible with as few treatments as necessary.


A good chiropractor will give you advice on how to avoid future problems without a costly maintenance treatment plan.


A good chiropractor will only x-ray when necessary and will not use x-rays as a marketing tool to have you continue care. A good chiropractor will give you sensible nutritional advice concerning supplementation and a healthy diet without excessive pressure to purchase vitamins.


A good chiropractor will have a strong working relationship with allied professionals of all specialties, including family practice physicians; orthopedists; neurologists; physiatrists; physical therapists; and athletic trainers.


What to look for in a chiropractor?

  1. A chiropractor who performs a thorough examination and will diagnose you.

  2. If the chiropractor determines he/she can not help you, they should promptly refer you to a  physician who can.

  3. The chiropractor should have access to MRI, Bone Scans, CT and other diagnostic tests

  4. A chiropractor who is trained in rehabilitation and ergonomics. (Remember, if the chiropractor is not offering to teach you appropriate exercises  and ergonomic instructions, then this is comparable to an expensive aspirin.

  5. A chiropractor who will dismiss you when your condition has been properly treated.

Eight Interview Questions to Help You Select The Best Chiropractor

1: If I have already been under chiropractic care, do I have to have more x-rays?

Accepted Answer: If this is your first visit and the chiropractor feels the need to order x-rays, that would be acceptable. However, there is no need to have new x-rays taken if you have already been under chiropractic care and you are simply changing doctors.

2: Does the chiropractor use therapy? What type?

Accepted Answer: I recommend that a chiropractor have available the following therapies: Interferential, Ultrasound, Traction (Intermittent)

** If the chiropractor uses Intersegmental therapy.. be very cautious that they don't begin using this therapy from the onset. This therapy is considered a rehab. therapy and may be used after the patient has been free of pain for at least 2-3 weeks.

3: Does the chiropractor perform physical examinations and diagnose?

Accepted Answer: Chiropractors are thoroughly trained in differential diagnosis. A competent chiropractor should perform a thorough examination including heart, lungs, ears, eyes, abdominal, neurological as well as examination of the area of complaint. In the event, the chiropractor based of the examination determines he/she can not treat you, then you should be promptly referred to the appropriate specialist

4: Is the chiropractor board certified in orthopedics, sports medicine, etc..?

Accepted Answer: Not mandatory, but it would be helpful to find a chiropractor who has taken additional training to become board certified in orthopedics, neurology, sport medicine, internal medicine or rehab.

5: If I become a new patient would I have to commit to a series of treatments or can I be seen on an "as needed basis"?

Accepted Answer: Do not commit to any more treatment than it takes to improve your condition. I believe that a patient should see an improvement within 3-6 treatments. At that point I will begin rehab and teach the patient the appropriate exercises to help prevent future problems.

6: Does the chiropractor accept insurance?

Accepted Answer: Do not go to a chiropractor who does not take insurance. With most insurance companies re-imbursing for chiropractic treatment, it does not make sense to seek the services of a chiropractor who refuses to accept insurance.

7: Does the chiropractor use trigger point therapy, myofascial release, Graston technique, Cox traction?  

Accepted Answer: It would be an added bonus if the chiropractor is trained in any or all of these fine treatments. These techniques will help you improve much faster.  

8: Does the chiropractor recommend and instruct their patients on rehab. exercises? What training do you have in rehab. exercises?

Accepted Answer: If the chiropractor does not incorporate some form of approved rehab. exercises then I would not begin treatment. The following program is considered the #1 rehab. program in the country: Dr. Craig Lieberson's program  

These interview questions should help narrow down the best chiropractor for your health problem.

Some additional suggestions:

You DO NOT have to speak to the chiropractor DIRECTLY. Simply ask to speak to the office manager or the front desk receptionist. The person you speak to should be more than happy to answer the above questions.

If you come in contact with a person who refuses to answer the questions or insist that you speak to the doctor, I would simply say thank you and move on to the next chiropractor on the list. The interview should only take a few minutes and will provide a wealth of information.

How to Contact Dr. Grisanti for an Appointment

Dr. Grisanti can be reached at 1-864-292-0226

His office is located at:

4200 East North Street
Greenville, South Carolina 29615

If you would like to schedule an appointment, simply call Debbie at 1-864-292-0226 or send an e-mail to 

Don't forget to visit his website at


